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Our Platform

In today's interconnected business landscape, the reliance on third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners has escalated, bringing vital growth and operational efficiency but also introducing significant security and compliance risks. Recognizing the need for a more streamlined, precise, and scalable approach to third-party risk management (TPRM), we introduce our innovative AI-Driven Third-Party Security & Due Diligence Platform. This solution leverages the power of artificial intelligence to transform the cumbersome process of TPRM into a proactive, accurate, and efficient practice, automating the analysis of security attestation reports, evaluating business continuity and disaster recovery plans, assessing cybersecurity programs, reviewing financial health, and scrutinizing contracts and service level agreements (SLAs).

Our platform embodies innovation, uniting finance, legal, and information security under a cohesive framework to scrutinize third-party engagements comprehensively. This interdisciplinary approach ensures informed decision-making and fosters resilient business partnerships, addressing the complexities of managing third-party risks in an era of evolving cyber threats, regulatory demands, and intricate vendor ecosystems. It represents a forward-thinking solution that empowers organizations to navigate these challenges with confidence and strategic insight.

By harnessing advanced AI technologies, our platform not only meets today's market demands but also anticipates future challenges, positioning organizations at the forefront of security and compliance excellence. Welcome to a new era of third-party risk management, where efficiency, accuracy, and strategic foresight converge to protect your business operations and enhance your competitive edge.


AI-driven platform that unites different business units from finance, legal, and information security together, to streamline the evaluation of third-party security postures and operational resilience, facilitating informed decision-making for partnerships and vendor selections.

  • Automated Review of Security Attestation Reports

  • Business Continuity Plan (BCS) Evaluation

  • Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) Evaluation

  • Cybersecurity Program Assessment

  • Financial Statement Review

  • Contracts and SLAs Review and Redlining